About SESD
“School Education Department, GoM is responsible for administration of elementary, secondary and higher secondary education in the state. The Department is one of the largest in terms of the number of stakeholders it manages with more than 20 million students and more than 6 lakh teachers being a part of school education ecosystem in Maharashtra. The broad functions of the Department revolve around:
- Promotion and Administration of Elementary and Secondary Education in the state
- Curriculum design and text book publication
- Conducting board and scholarship examinations
- Implementation of provisions of Right to Education Act
- Design and implement policies that improve Quality of Education in the state
- Conceptualize and implement Teacher Training programs
- Implementation of central schemes such as Mid-day meal, scholarships, etc.
- Provision of admissions to First Year Junior college via online mechanism
- Developing policies and practices that would encourage and facilitate sporting activities across the state
The Department has eight different directorates looking after specific functions relating to school education and has an independent body in terms of MPSP for implementation of provisions of SarvShikshaAbhiyaan.
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Step 1: Visit mumbai.11thadmission.net
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Step 3: Enter Your 6 Digit ‘Application Form No.’
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Step 5: Download the result and Take a Print out for further perusal
Upes 3 Sports and Tourism Development Center would like to announce to all partners and customers!
Director Nguyen Ba Toan, signed
Da Nang, September 14, 2021
According to Upes3.edu.vn
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